The presentations and workshops described below are facilitated by Dr. Josie Lehrer and can take place online or in person. Their content and length can be tailored for your group's interests, including for fraternities, military, athletic teams and other groups.

Dr. Lehrer is open to co-facilitating with colleagues from your organization, and can do events in English or Spanish (including Spanish-language MSP film content).

Fees are sliding scale. Please contact us to discuss details.


Presentation Formats

Keynotes & lectures

Lecture topics can be tailored to your organization’s interests -- such as the social construction of masculinity; how men can take action for violence prevention and gender justice; and how social notions of masculinity relate to diverse health and social justice issues for people of all genders.

Dr. Lehrer can also discuss her 15-year journey of founding and building the MSP, including insights for social entrepreneurs and gender justice activists.

To see an example of Dr. Lehrer's public speaking, check out her 2019 TEDxIndiana talk on how men's true stories can help dismantle patriarchy; which was selected for inclusion on the main website. (She promises to never use notes again!)


MSP film screening & discussion

(1.5-3 hrs)

Screening of full MSP documentary or selected videos of men's stories, followed by presentation and group discussion on masculinities in relation to issues including family and romantic relationships, men's mental and physical health, diverse forms of gender-based violence, sexual health, LGBTQIA+ topics, substance abuse, gender equality, men's caregiving, and intersections with other aspects of identity (e.g., race/ethnicity, disability, socioeconomic status, etc.).

Interactive workshops on masculinities, health & social justice

(4-8 hrs)

These workshops use tailored selections of men's filmed stories to spark group dialogue on masculinities - in relation to issues including family and romantic relationships, men's mental and physical health, gender-based violence, sexual health, LGBTQIA+ topics, substance abuse, gender equality, men's caregiving, and intersections with other aspects of identity (e.g., race/ethnicity, disability, socioeconomic status, etc.). Didactic content and group activities.

Creative workshops on masculinities, health & social justice

(8-12 hrs)

These workshops use curated sets of MSP videos of men's stories to spark dialogue on masculinities in relation to key health and social justice issues. The workshops include didactic content, participatory activities and a creative segment which includes: a) guided personal writing/creation, b) small-group feedback on works in progress, and c) a culminating evening event for the sharing of personal stories, which can be made open to a broader audience.

MSP Trainings

We provide training, action resources and coaching to help organizations create powerful new Men’s Story Project productions with local participants. The project can also be adapted to engage storytellers of all genders, and the MSP name can be replaced with an alternative if preferred.

Local MSP teams receive a core resource package that includes:

  • MSP Action Guide, License & Storyteller Contract
  • Adaptable curriculum for weekly workshops with MSP presenters (10 sessions)
  • 5 live interactive training webinars for MSP facilitators & coaches (2 hours each)
  • 15 coaching hours as you create your project
  • Connection to the network of teams creating productions across locations
  • The two MSP documentaries + public screening licenses
  • Publicity for your production on the MSP website, YouTube channel and social media

Core resource package cost for nonprofits: $7300, sliding scale.

Further support (e.g., 1-1 story coaching, graphic design, video editing and production/coordination) is available for an added cost based on your group's interests.

Contact us with any questions or if you'd like to join the MSP's Fall Training Cohort, which starts Nov. 7, 2024. The Cohort application is here! Applications are being received on a rolling basis. (Individual campuses can start later than Nov. 7 if needed.)

An informational webinar on the MSP is here.

MSP Participants