Men and Boys Taking a Stand for Healthy MasculinitiesGender Justice

The Men’s Story Project is a bold storytelling and dialogue project that brings critical dialogue on social ideas about masculinity into public forums - via men's own stories.

In the MSP, diverse men and folks who identify in any way with masculinity publicly share personal stories that explore and challenge masculinity norms - to advance health and justice for all people. The MSP is grounded in a feminist, anti-racist, intersectional framework.

We provide training and action resources to help groups create their own original storytelling productions and media for social impact.

- Work with us to create MSP productions (and adaptations) at your campus or organization! Learn more

ShareCare AwardsWe're honored to share that the Men's Story Project YouTube channel received the 2021 ShareCare Emmy in the Men's Health category! The ShareCare Awards recognize excellence in digital health media, and are produced in partnership with the National Television Academy of Arts and Sciences, NY Chapter. This award is shared with all MSP presenters and producers who have collectively built this work over time!

  • "It's time for men to be able
    to publicly express their humanity -  
    for everyone's healing. It enriches
    our society to have something like
    this happening... and, it's about time."

    —MSP audience member

Check Out The Men's Story Project Trailer

The Men's Story Project Is For Everyone

What They're Saying


You caught me off guard with how potent that was. I felt deeply moved in tears and laughter quaking through my body, but also impacted and altered enough to propel me into more action in my life… I have no doubt this will be an extremely successful project throughout the globe.”

—Female community member


It was SO awesome. It felt totally real, authentic, gripping, valuable and new… I can imagine it easily replicating, with equally (yet different!) great groups putting it on all over the damn place. Inspired idea, brilliantly executed. Really powerful to witness.”

—Male community member


I really just appreciated the realness of it all and the willingness to change. I’ll now be better able to both confront and comfort my male friends.”

—Non-binary student


To gather with a group of diverse men to publicly explore masculinity and vulnerably share our stories that generally don’t fit into the bandwidth of accepted male expression was nerve-wracking, exhilarating, liberating and hopeful…It was liberating to speak to a common experience that is an unspoken reality for most men.”

—MSP presenter